
Eeg icap
Eeg icap

eeg icap eeg icap
  1. Eeg icap manual#
  2. Eeg icap software#

Your captioner will send their input through a built-in Dial-up Modem, Direct TCP/IP or Telnet, Teleprompters, Voice Recognition systems, and Automation servers using RS-232. 4.1 Icap Secure Internet Captioning The Eeg Icapsystem Is A Real-Time.

Eeg icap manual#

**NOTE: this unit does not come with the iCAP license. EEG HD1492 Manual Online: additional features, Icap Secure Internet Captioning. EEG is a forward-looking video technology company with a focus on innovative cloud workflow products for closed captioning, accessibility, and metadata processing applications. We recommend Aberdeen, and can help facilitate a complete setup for you. EEG Enterprises Integrated Production Switchers and Cloud-Based Media Management Solutions from EEG Enterprises Inc. There are many live captioning services out there. Simply authorize your caption service provider on the iCap Admin website, and then plug and play Captioners receive encrypted audio directly from. This broadcast standard 1RU caption encoder supports iCap right out of the box. This EEG encoder is the industry standard because it can simultaneously provide open captioned service for display on a venue screen, AND send closed caption encoding for broadcast or Web streaming. Get More Info HD492 iCap Encoder Connect to Thousands of Live Captioners with iCap.

Eeg icap software#

The software connects locally on your PC to a steno-captioning software package for generation of live caption data. This EEG Caption Encoder then embeds the caption text data onto your program feed via HDSDI output, which is transmitted your professional web encoder for delivery to almost any major CDN platform. iCap is a simple and free-to-use Windows OS application for monitoring audio, video, and captions from an EEG or other iCap-compatible encoder. It uses iCap technology which allows remote captioners to receive encrypted audio directly from your program, and return low-latency text for CEA-608/708 closed captions and subtitles. The EEG caption encoder is exactly what you need to add LIVE captions to livestreams on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter/Periscope, Ustream and more.

Eeg icap